CES is always available to answer any environmental question you might have. Feel free to call us at no cost to discuss your problem. We will be happy to provide a cost estimate for any upcoming project. Below are brief descriptions of our key personnel.

Donald Perry
Donald Perry is the Chief Executive Officer and President of Compliance Environmental Services which he founded in 1993 with a vision of remedying environmental problems using natural methods. Prior to his current professional endeavors, Mr. Perry was a managing partner of a successful coal and limestone mining company, for which he was instrumental with branching-out into several other businesses including restaurants, housing developments, hotels and a full service golf country club. Don’s responsibilities consisted of overseeing sales, future land leasing, developing mine leases, spearheading financing projects, and mine-site reclamation and environmental permitting through federal, state, and local government agencies. This extensive industrial and commercial background gives Mr. Perry a unique prospective on how environmental regulations can affect the business cycle. He started Compliance Environmental Services to help other business owners and operators navigate regulations and also to develop new technologies to remediate environmental contaminants. With multiple decades of executive leadership on both sides of the environmental spectrum, Mr. Perry has learned the importance of balancing environmental issues and the resulting costs. This knowledge and experience makes Don a key attribute in solving any environmental, regulatory, or managerial problems that one might face in conjunction with normal business operations. “I enjoy the challenges that difficult problems present and finding the most efficient, timely and cost sensitive approach to each and every one of our projects.” Email Don at [email protected] or call 724-342-1990

Matthew Perry
Matthew Perry started his career in the environmental field in 1999 while attending Grove City College for a B.A. in Economics with a focus on environmental studies. Starting as a field technician and working his way through almost every aspect in the environmental field, Mr. Perry gained valuable knowledge and skills that makes him a great asset to any project. He continues to build on what he learned from first hand experiences by attending classes and seminars to further his education and understanding of new technologies and environmental issues. Matthew volunteers his free time to aid non-profit groups, local businesses, and residents who have environmental concerns and advises them on how to address these issues. As Vice President of Operations, Mr. Perry oversees projects from conception to implementation through site closure. Matthew will work closely with his clients throughout a project to ensure work is being carried out as efficiently and cost effective as possible. Email Matt at [email protected] or call 724-342-1990

Tyler Perry
Tyler Perry has been working with Compliance Environmental Services since 2005. His business background brings a unique perspective to the environmental industry. Mr. Perry graduated from The University of Pittsburgh with a B.A. in Economics and continued his education at Youngstown State University earning his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on management. These skills allow Tyler to understand the weight that regulations can have on the business process and how costly certain environmental practices can affect the bottom line. Teaming these skills with the technical approaches of other key personnel from Compliance Environmental Services allows Mr. Perry to blend the business world with the scientific world. He prides himself on focusing his efforts on remediation instead of wasting time and money on unnecessary studies. Mr. Perry has worked with many consultants and has seen even more remediation approaches. His experience allows for the most efficient and applicable approach to be chosen for a specific site. Please feel free to contact Mr. Perry anytime with questions you may have about bioremediation as a whole or about a unique contaminant or site issue you may be facing. Email Tyler at [email protected] or call 724-342-1990

Albert Richnafsky, PG, CPG, LRS
Technical Director
Having over 30 years of experience in industry and consulting, Mr. Richnafsky brings to Compliance Environmental Services a first-hand knowledge of all aspects of the environmental business, including wastewater treatment and air quality compliance, in addition to his forte of remediating soil and water contamination. He has engineered and installed numerous remediation systems at oil refineries, industrial facilities, and impromptu from the ground up at chemical spill sites. Past experience has also taken Bert into the areas of mining and coal exploration as manager of a U.S. Steel Corporation regional office. Mr. Richnafsky received his M.S. in Geology from West Virginia University, where he did his masters work under the direction of U.S. Steel’s world renown coal research team. His experience and contacts over the years have enabled Mr. Richnafsky to clearly understand how things interact in the natural world whether it be in the environmental, mineral industries or compliance fields. As he states, “It truly pleases me to clean-up the sins of the past by focusing on completing the task at hand and not just studying the situation. My greatest professional satisfaction occurs by solving a client’s problem.” Mr. Richnafsky’s credentials include time as an adjunct professor in Geology and Geophysical Field Techniques at Penn State and Mercyhurst Universities. Email Albert at [email protected] or call 724-342-1990
David Siekkinen, PG
Project Manager
Mr. Siekkinen has over 12 years of experience working in the oil & gas industry and environmental consulting field. He has managed all aspects of environmental field investigations from designing site characterizations and remedial action plans to site closure, including the preparation of professional reports for these projects. He has completed and certified closures of underground and aboveground storage tanks, performed environmental oversight of horizontal directional drilling on pipeline installations, and has overseen the drilling of high volume municipal water wells and the pump tests of new wells. Mr. Siekkinen earned his B.S. in Geology from Allegheny College with a minor in Economics. His strong mechanical background enables him to troubleshoot equipment in the field as well as install and maintain various remediation systems. Mr. Siekkinen is currently in charge of all aspects of field operations at Compliance Environmental Services. Email Dave at [email protected] or call 724-342-1990
Thomas St.John, PG
Email Tom at [email protected] or call 724-342-1990

Amy Ashe, Ph.D
Lead Microbiologist
As senior microbiologist at Compliance Environmental Services and during consultation with corporations facing environmental contamination problems, Dr. Ashe has collaborated with soil scientists, geologists, analytical chemists, civil engineers, and microbiologists in developing site- specific strategies for alleviating soil and groundwater pollution problems. Dr. Ashe received her Ph.D. from Cornell University and has extensive experience in projects concerning remediation of organics, particularly gasoline hydrocarbons and additives, metals, and chlorinated solvents in both aerobic and anaerobic geochemical settings.

Tammy Miller, B.S., M.S.
Laboratory Manager
As Laboratory Manager at Compliance Environmental Services, Mrs. Miller not only has many years of managerial experience in scientific research laboratories, but also more than 10 years of experience in multiple areas of science including neurobiological research at the Cleveland Clinic, administration of science education programs at the University of Akron, and molecular research at Northeast Ohio Medical University. Mrs. Miller received her B.S. and M.S. in Biology from Youngstown State University where she taught many undergraduate laboratory courses in microbiology while collaborating with scientists from BioRemedial for her graduate research in environmental microbiology where she studied the degradation of harmful environmental contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) through the process of bioremediation. Mrs. Miller continues to use her research experience at BRT to develop site-specific solutions for soil and water remediation. Email Tammy at [email protected] or call 724-342-1990

Jan Mozzocio
Office Manager
Jan Mozzocio has been the Office Manager since 1996. She is responsible for the organization and coordination of office operations, procedures and resources in order to ensure organizational effectiveness and efficiency. These duties include purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable and human resources policies. Email Jan at [email protected] or call the office at 724-342-1990